Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Just bought helmets

Have you ever gone out to dinner with your kids and had a great meal and a huge dessert? Mom and Dad are ready for bed and the kids start to spin in circles out of control from all the sugar. Yea, well that happened tonight. But instead of going home to settle them down with the nice routine of bedtime, we decide to go helmet shopping..... for all of us. At one point I go into the changing room and my oldest is climbing the wall on the inside of the changing room. They are out of control. We have a five foot rule while shopping and I can assure you that there was NO WHERE near 5 feet between us. How could there be when the kids are playing hide and seek under the ski clothes, wrestling on the bench while Mom and Dad are getting our head straps adjusted. Those college kids running the store think that Bob and I are loooooser parents and this is great birth control. As we were checking out and trying desperately not to lose it in public, all three of my kids simultaneously climb on exercise equipment and start going for it, while knocking down a display. We waited until we got outside to lose it! Maybe a huge dessert before shopping wasn't such a good idea!


  1. Ahhhhh, Kids! Who needs TV with all that entertainment. Love it!

  2. hey there carol! i'm glad to see you've started a family blog. good times! check us out here:

